こんばんわ友達、Buonasera Amici【Good Evening aka Hi friends】
My fellow friends and advocates of serenity. I send you a message of hope and satisfaction that would ultimately lead to the success of many others. Ha ha, I'll cut the sincerity out.
Today was okay, yesterday a bit of a mess. I just barely managed to make my way to biology workshop, luckily marked my name off. Luckily, Margaret didn't see me walking in late, or so I thought.
The trains and buses are really p**in me off lately, they are soo laggy and obtuse to the point of frustration. Lucky to say that I avoided a car accident today which I closely witnessed. Thank god that I was on the footpath rather than on that crossing, where I was like literally 2 seconds ago. Anywayz, before this occurrence, bought a few things for some upcoming events this month, also found out that Austin, my high school buddy will be able to go to animania, too bad not many others are wanting to go in a group. Oh well, it'll be fun regardless. I bought Deathnote Manga Volume 1 at Kinokuniya today, 20% discount. I can't wait to buy the whole set. Then onto dvd sets. So my fellow warriors and legions of the stallion, I bid you farewell, and peace, may it last forever.
また明日友達。。 Arrivederci Amici。。【See you tommorrowz friends】.......XD
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