Howdy folks, so I see we are all anticipating my latest news. Well, most will be told. ^^
On saturday, it was animania ya ya^^. I cosplayed as Light Yagami from deathnote, organised to go with Ray, Austin and his gf and Chuan's cus Jason. When I reached redfern station early saturday morning Ray was there waiting. I wanted to go with my high school friends. They were all working sadly on the weekend. It'll be organised better next time. ^^
After being dogged by Austin and his gf, and also Jason. Ray and I left off in a swift wave of wind. We rushed to the door ticket line. It was massively long. I'll post up some pics below so you can check it out. Amazing in the line we saw Ryan who cosplayed as Ichigo from bleach and his brother David. So, we formed our little anime group and went to all the small stands at the convention. I was a bit disappointed by the size of animania, but being the 1st time going. I loved it. ^_^. I couldn't wait to take photos with so many different cosplayers.
We visited every site that was known at the place. I managed to buy a few gimmocks including DBZ DVD with Movie 8, 10 and 11. Broly. It was cheap like $25, combined into one dvd. ^_^ I bought a Kodogiasu chain, and a Vampire night chain watch. I couldn't help myself with the spending, not wishing to say total amount spent. Next time I plan to cosplay as someone else mainly from Final Fantasy. I was so scared by the Misa Amane's(character from death note) that were cosplaying. Ryan was so cool dressed as Ichigo, my gosh it just suited him to wear the overall complete cosplay suit. We kept on saying what happened to his samurai sword. Cosplay competition on stage was quite thrilling. Stay tuned for some more pics in the next post. ^^
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