My friends I only come here to say that despite our times together..... I had to end something that I have had on my mind for so long.... my relationship with Vian, I had to end it.... well sincerely...... distance is what broke me apart from her... I could not stand not being able to embrace, cuddle and kiss her.... and to hear that she will be in HK for the next 3 years completely tore me apart..... I just wish for her to meet someone that may share the love that I wanted to share with her. I could never share my love for her, because of her distance. I wish that she remains happy for the rest of her life... ^_^.... hmm.... I feel lighter after that, suffice to say, the excited tension that has built up all this time.....I have to say thanks to those that I have sought knowledge from about it....

I feel completely relaxed and free..... but still want to devote to someone with something more next time......someone with physical affection rather than distant affection....


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