こんばんわ友達、Buonasera Amici【Good Evening aka Hi friends】
Happiness is truly an inspiration to have within one's self..... it is an absolute pleasure.. ever since I ended a few things, started over and changed...
I began to realise that another page in my life has been turned... still countless pages to go......luckily I plan to never have my book closed... ha ha, well some would say at uni that I temporarily close my book... ^_^_^_^..... ahh, but for good reason... must maintain integrity and status of self reputation... above all else honour.... live by and fight for it.....
I will work for all that I cherish......life......blood donations might be soon..... red cross hasn't sent letters yet... still need haemoglobin to renew... blah.. it should be fine...Oh yea, good news spectators... also found out that a close friend of mine might go to Animania.... so happy too...^_^.....
So maybe I should fill you all in on what I did today..... travelled to biology workshop in the morning 9am... what a drag... for once I was early... luckily I caught the bus and train on time so packed in the morning... they have to completely push us in the trains at Kogarah Station.. the nightmare..there are people rubbing against you... blah.... the smell that emanates from some people is quite daunting and unattractive especially from some of the girls that looked like business associates.....back to the subject....well... I guess....after reaching redfern...usual walk to platform 4, sometimes 6 but it's okay I usually wait like 4 minutes for train to Parramatta directly.... hmm it is cool....
I have my psp for company... takes care of the rest... finally reaching parramatta station... ah... quickly rushed to make it in time for biology workshop.. listened to music on psp, completed chemistry work, working on biology workshop and communicated answers in biology workshop..... blah couldn't believe that I could hear Marget teach the workshop...after biology workshop, just wanted to overdo chemistry workshop... facebooked and chatted to Lanz for a short while, then met up with Janessa, Kazuya(from Tekken) a.k.a(James) and Sarah and split off to the bar for sometime supper.. nahZ lunch... pretty much okay.. just needed to have my own space in the library again, so I headed there and met up with Ray....chatted about stuff.... and then decided to head off to Biometry... ha ha our group project is perfectly organised...oh our group project for biometry involves creating an experiment that has probabilities associated... anywayz long story that needs to be short....
After an hour of Biometry I wanted to head to Parramatta. I was hoping to be back before the lecture finished to collect my work and bag which I left in the class. So I headed to Azuki's Cafe to have some Onigiri (rice balls with flavouring-japanese cuisine)... after headed to Easy Way...tried a new flavour, Yaleto very unique indeed yay I have free Easy Way pending 11 points... woot woot... then headed to borders to look for some books.... hmm.. expensive I thought.. might try Dymmocks and other assortments in Hurstville after work on saturday...then after finishing up at borders I headed back to uni just in time to collect my bags...thnx again Ray for packing my bag... didn't have to, but thanks pal....
So after departing from parramatta saying goodbyes... whilst I was on the train seated, this french couple were smooching next to me... at the time that I sat down there were no seats available, only this seat...they looked like a close couple around 23-25 age... suddenly the girl who was sitting next to me, just randomly said to me that I looked like Alessandro Del Piero.... ha ha coincidentally... I told them that my name was Alessandro.. ha ha, unfortunately not a soccer player.... after that they then guessed that I was Italian... being euros they knew best..didn't want to exchange numbers, but exchanged emails instead... they seemed like happy love birds... ha ha.. someday we all get there....^_^.. so I guess that is all that has happened so far my patient friends... there is a lot more... but then why spoil the best news...^_^... it is only the happy ones you wish to know...
また明日友達。。 Arrivederci Amici。。【See you tommorrowz friends】.......XD